المورد: Nickelodeonاستمتعوا بالتلوين مع بلو ، جوش وأصدقائهما في كلّ صفحة من هذا الدفتر المميّز!
- 2.000
- 2.000
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
The Party Planet - Level 6 - Unit 16Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
A Space Vacation - Level 6 - Unit 15Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
What Next? - Level 6 - Unit 14Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
Yuki's Trip to the City - Level 6 - Unit 13Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
A Funny Fishing Trip - Level 5 - Unit 12Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
What's That Noise? - Level 5 - Unit 11Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
What a Lot of Burgers! - Level 5 - Unit 10Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
Parrots Don't Eat Pasta - Level 5 - Unit 9Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
You're late, Charlie! - Level 4 - Unit 8Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
What's That Under the Bed? - Level 4 - Unit 7Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
A Night on Dinosaur World - Level 3 - Unit 6Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
Thank You, Jamal! - Level 3 - Unit 5Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
Here comes Spring! - Level 2 - Unit 4Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
Happy Birthday, Draco! - Level 2 - Unit 3Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
Where are the Monsters? - Level 1 - Unit 2Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
Welcom to Farm World - Level 1 - Unit 1Picaro Storybooks contain activities that enrich the reading experience at home and provide links to classroom learning. Each book is set on one of Picaro Galaxy’s planets and features the language, avatars, and characters the children encounter there.
- 1.500
- 1.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل
المورد: مجموعة مؤلفينربما تظنّ بأنّ الساحر العظيم هو الذي يخرج أرانب من قبّعته، أو يجعل صناديق ثقيلة ترتفع عن الأرض من تلقاء ذاتها. ولكن لا، ذلك ليس صحيحًا دائمًا؛ فبفضل أصابع يديك العشر، وأدوات بسيطة (ورق اللعب، عيدان الكبريت، قطع نقديّة أو أوراق عاديّة) يمكنك تنفيذ...
- 2.500
- 2.500
- سعر الوحدة
- لكل